Expertise, commitment and passion lead us to success together.

Current vacancies

Our employees are a fundamental part of Magic Schlaf Zug’s success. Thanks to the great commitment and excellent qualifications of our team, we have gained a high level of customer loyalty in Central Switzerland in recent years. Personally competent advice and our high quality standards are among our strengths.

We are looking to expand our team

No vacancies at the moment.

You are welcome.


Your contact for applications:

Benno Achermann

No suitable position available? You still see yourself in our company and identify with our values and service ideas? Then we look forward to receiving your application.

Why, why, why – putting it all into words is often the biggest hurdle in an application. Please apply to us anyway and simply leave out the letter of motivation. Take the chance to find your dream job and send us your CV and references.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Eine Pfauenfeder mit Wassertropfen in Nahaufnahme

Opening hours:

Monday 14:00 - 18:00
Monday - Friday 10:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Saturday 09:00 - 16:00

We would also be happy to advise you
outside the opening times
or at your home.


041 710 00 38

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